Tuesday, June 23, 2020

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Also in this section: Company That Offers Cheap Research Papers of High Quality Best Custom Essay Writing Service from Skillful Writer Cheap Custom Essays from Academic Writers Online Order a High-Quality Paper from Professional Essay Writers Customer-Friendly Assignment Proofreading Service Online Copyediting and Proofreading Services Without Delays Professional Papers Editing Website Based in the USA We are good at professional dissertation writing service and this essay dedicated to the Hegels study is a perfect example. Not every reader of the Phenomenology of the Spirit, Hegel's most important book, read it up to the chapter "A Spirit that has the reliability of itself. Morality." This is one of the last, concluding chapters of this book, but it contains everything you need to know about Hegels philosophy. The spirit, that is the unity of the subjective and objective actually existing in reality, passes a certain final stage of its development in this chapter. The spirit used to be something substantial and existing, but not intermediated by an individual; it was the feature of antiquity. Then the spirit was alienated from itself, that is, became a stranger to itself; this is the feature of the modern world. Finally, the spirit returns to the original point and becomes individual actually existing in the real world. Such a metamorphosis of the spirit from not actually existing to the existing one is the topic of the chapter we have already mentioned that considers the questions of morality. There is a new essay on our website dedicated to the heroism and its essence In this chapter, Hegel shows the different versions of the existence of this spiritual individuality, which contains the law of the universe, the law of the world as an entire system, while the universe is regarded as a duty, ethics, some ethical moral principles that Hegel calls universal. The dynamics of this individuality, this individual spirit is, first of all, a conflict between the individual and the universal. Hegel, in general, is connected with the development of philosophy and if you are interested in this science, you are welcome to read the biography of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel. The individual cannot yet become universal, but the universal comes against the individual. At the very end of this story about the conflict between the individual and the universal, the conflict of individual beliefs, that is, conscience, and the general laws of morality, Hegel, by means of multiple options, shows a possible conflict between one individual consciousness and another individual consciousness, which objectify the universal moral laws. It turns out that the first consciousness that believes that its own conscience, its own moral principles are universal and absolute come against another consciousness, which criticizes the first one on the behalf of social dogmas, laws, and duties. This situation is very important for Hegel because the individual consciousness, i.e. the first consciousness or the spiritual individuality, which considers its acts to be absolute but they can't be universal since these acts are nothing but the individual. Another consciousness, which criticizes these acts actually does nothing. It only acknowledges the discrepancy between the individual and the moral. When the individual spirit considers itself to be universal, according to Hegel, it is evil. The evil for Hegel is nothing but the discrepancy between the individuality, which separates it from the universal. Thus, such a spirit creates an alternative set of rules and universal laws, which play a more important role than the universal ones. Then, peculiar dynamics of its development takes place since according to Hegels words, individual consciousness appears to be hypocritical due to the fact that it misrepresents individual laws as the universal ones. However, both the consciousness, which criticizes and the acting one is individual in the same way. Even those who say that something is wrong and contradicts the universal also speak from the behalf of individuality. Thus, there is a collision between two individual laws. Both of them pretend to be universal. The next step in this phenomenological conflict is when the acting consciousness realizes that the judging one is individual as well considering the possibility of the common features between this consciousness and another one. This is the most important moment for Hegel when both sides realize that they have a lot of features in common and the acting consciousness can admit their guilt and say: Yes, I am evil. There is an interesting essay for you dedicated to the topic of evil and good. It is called good ends do not justify evil means and thats where you can see certain contradictions of this phenomenon. Then, something really strange happens in Hegels book. The judging consciousness should theoretically admits its guilt as well but it appears that this one fails to do it and denies any possibility of the unity. Thus, to some extent, the situations changes and the judging consciousness turns out to be wrong and cruel. Thus, the individual consciousness and the judging one swap since the passive nature of the judging consciousness, its inability to act contradicts to its own philosophy and thus cant be universal, since any duty predisposes certain actions and without such actions, any duty or law do not make any sense. There is a flawless argumentative essay for sale this week. Hurry up to get your paper discounted at Star-writers.com. Thus, at a very personal and individual level, forgiveness reveals something Hegel called the power of dialectics as the philosophical thinking he offers to the readers and the one he tries to develop and modify. The power of dialectics is the ability to finally realize that the perspective we choose is only partial and you can revive the old memories, which can be forgotten. Thus, the forgiveness is the process of this renewal, which Hegel describes like: Wounds of the spirit heal without leaving scars. Thus, something that happened in the past can be forgotten or even erased from the memory once and for all by means of the spirit and the power of forgiveness. This is a very important point of the Hegels study since this dialectic conciliation is presented as the existential drama or as the conflict of the ordinary people. Hegel does not write about any specific individuals, he writes about the forms of the spirit and the forms of the consciousness, which described using a very pers onal, specific and rather individual language. This is the contact between abstract dialectics of the spirit and the language of personal relationships and personal efforts, which is definitely a very interesting point described by Hegel in his book Phenomenology of Spirit. Dont forget to check our global ecological issues essay from our writers who are concerned about our environment How else can custom papers writers help you? Other additional services might be useful as well. 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